Wallendbeen Public School is located in the small rural village of Wallendbeen in the South-West Slopes of N.S.W. The school is surrounded by attractive and large grounds and features a modern set of play equipment at its entry. Well resourced, the school offers quality education to the students within the area. The school has been established since 1881 and is a main focal point in the village. The school aims to provide an education that develops its students' intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs. Its motto, "From Small Beginnings", reflects the belief that students from Wallendbeen Public School will go forth and achieve well after attending the school. The school endeavours to overcome isolation through excursions, training and development of staff and community, and participation in cultural events. It includes and interacts with its community as part of its school program. In 2000 the school has received assistance from the Country Areas and Disadvantaged Schools Programs. Opportunities to further educational experiences for students, staff and community have resulted from involvement with both of these programs.